Purpose Built for Planes, Trains, and Tanks

Shift5 was created by founding members of the U.S. Army Cyber Command who pioneered modern weapon systems cyber assessments. Shift5 defends onboard military platforms and commercial transportation systems against malicious actors and operational failures.

Move Quickly from Data to Decisions.

Shift5 built an entirely new model that brings order to the complexity of onboard data flowing from planes, trains, tanks, and weapon systems.

The Shift5 platform captures and analyzes real-time onboard OT data, revealing the critical operational and cybersecurity insights needed to move from data to decisions quickly and confidently.

Our Focus

Shift5 is tackling a difficult problem in a way that’s never been done before. Our opportunity is significant, and our ability to make change is meaningful. We support the defenders and the data-driven decisions makers on the front lines of national security.

Shift5 is building a smarter, safer, and more secure world by creating resilient and mission-ready fleets.

We accomplish this through practicing four core values:

  • Maximize our real world impact

    Shift5 focuses on the products and solutions that save lives and affect millions of people. Every decision we make supports the safety and security of planes, trains, and tanks.

  • Solve hard problems with rapid, quality solutions

    We face interesting technical challenges. We solve and rapidly deploy creative solutions into the hands of users.

  • Operate with integrity

    We can’t do our jobs without privileged access. With trust comes great responsibility. We provide honest information to our customers and each other.

  • Be Collaborative

    The complexity and magnitude of the problems Shift5 solves means no one person can deliver alone. We are heavily team oriented.


Shift5 is proud to earn recognition for our company, team, and platform.

Department of Defense Contracts

Public, private partnerships infuse the agility and innovation of the technology world across the Department of Defense. The U.S. government requires relationships with private companies that can manage lengthy acquisition cycles while demonstrating commercial success. Shift5 is deeply engaged with the DoD to support the warfighter.

AFWERX, U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, United States Special Operations Command

Shift5 Leadership

The Shift5 leadership team blends decades of decision-making experience from DoD to startups at every phase of growth, from stealth through exit. Proven leadership yields proven results.

Join the Team

Shift5 is solving a hard problem. We need the brightest minds to help us get there.