Introducing Shift5 Manifold 10: A New Era in Onboard Data Monitoring and Insights for Commercial and Defense Aircraft 

By Jeff ZacutoSenior Director, Commercial MarketingShift5  Modern aircraft generate vast amounts of data that often go uncollected and unused, leaving valuable insights untapped. This lack of comprehensive data capture means operators and maintainers are missing out on critical information that could enhance safety, improve fleet availability, and reduce downtime. Shift5 addresses this issue head-on by […]

Charting a Reliable Course Through the Murky Waters of GPS Signal Manipulation

By Jeff Zacuto, Senior Director, Commercial Marketing The Global Positioning System (GPS) has woven itself into the fabric of our daily lives, guiding our travels, synchronizing global markets, and enabling countless applications, from emergency response to autonomous vehicles. Yet, beneath this ubiquitous technology lies a hidden undercurrent of vulnerability, where malicious actors can manipulate and […]