Introducing Shift5 Manifold 10: A New Era in Onboard Data Monitoring and Insights for Commercial and Defense Aircraft 

By Jeff ZacutoSenior Director, Commercial MarketingShift5  Modern aircraft generate vast amounts of data that often go uncollected and unused, leaving valuable insights untapped. This lack of comprehensive data capture means operators and maintainers are missing out on critical information that could enhance safety, improve fleet availability, and reduce downtime. Shift5 addresses this issue head-on by […]

Charting a Reliable Course Through the Murky Waters of GPS Signal Manipulation

By Jeff Zacuto, Senior Director, Commercial Marketing The Global Positioning System (GPS) has woven itself into the fabric of our daily lives, guiding our travels, synchronizing global markets, and enabling countless applications, from emergency response to autonomous vehicles. Yet, beneath this ubiquitous technology lies a hidden undercurrent of vulnerability, where malicious actors can manipulate and […]

7 Takeaways from the Annual Aviation ISAC Summit 

The Aviation ISAC Summit gathers experts dedicated to enhancing aviation security. This year in Dublin, specialists added their real-world experiences and challenges to a collective conversation to enrich industry-wide understanding of a modern, cyber-secure aviation ecosystem. Read on for key takeaways from the summit that provide a framework for enhancing aviation cybersecurity strategies and solutions.

What is Observability?

Observability refers to the ability to derive real-time, context-rich insights from refined onboard data to enable not just a more comprehensive understanding of the state of a system—or system of systems—but ultimately to enable smarter, faster decisions and actions.

It unlocks a new level of decision-making by providing a clear understanding of what’s happening on a vehicle holistically, the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.

With observability, operators and maintainers can see and understand exactly what’s going on within a platform’s onboard systems and components collectively at the moment the issue manifests.

Shift5 Helps Streamline Regulatory Compliance for Fleet Vehicles 

Today, Shift5 announced the release of the Shift5 Compliance Module, which helps automate compliance efforts for data created on board fleet vehicles. This inaugural release, developed in partnership with aviation industry experts, enables automation of the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) guidelines in Advisory Circular (AC) 119-1 requiring operators to create an Aircraft Network Security Program (ANSP).

2022 Aviation ISAC Cybersecurity Summit Recap

Get a recap from the 2022 Aviation ISAC Cybersecurity Summit and learn how the industry is making proactive steps to secure the future of aviation through improved regulations and cyber resilience.

3 Potential Cyber Threats to Commercial Airliners

While security researchers continue to investigate cyber vulnerabilities, airlines are keenly aware they could be targets of cyber attacks. Research findings show us why it’s essential to continue searching for threats, and taking steps to prevent them. Read the blog now to see the top cybersecurity threats to commercial aircraft.

Russia Raises the Stakes for Our Critical Infrastructure

The invasion of Ukraine and the sanctions imposed by the West on Russia has raised international tensions to levels not seen in a generation. And although the specter of escalation into a full-scale conventional war looms large, intelligence sources say retaliation will more likely come from state-sponsored cyberattacks on our critical infrastructure.