5 Key Characteristics of Top Cyber Performers

Josh Lospinoso talks about how C++ can be a vital tool for infosec developers. In this talk, he presents a simple Stage 0 Implant written in modern C++ to tool developers from Army Cyber Command. Along the way, he illuminates many features of C++, the C++ Standard Library, and the Boost Libraries that are highly useful when developing cybersecurity tools.

Josh Lospinoso Presents “C++ for Hackers” at US Army Cyber Center of Excellence

Josh Lospinoso talks about how C++ can be a vital tool for infosec developers. In this talk, he presents a simple Stage 0 Implant written in modern C++ to tool developers from Army Cyber Command. Along the way, he illuminates many features of C++, the C++ Standard Library, and the Boost Libraries that are highly useful when developing cybersecurity tools.