By Jeff Zacuto, Senior Director of Commercial Marketing

The security and resilience of the digital and operational technology (OT) systems that make up our critical infrastructure have become paramount concerns for national security, economic stability, and public safety. Recognizing this, the Biden-Harris Administration has taken a proactive stance with a comprehensive memorandum urging public and private entities to fortify the nation’s essential systems and assets—from energy grids to transportation networks and beyond.

Why This Matters

The infrastructure that underpins daily life in the United States is not just a collection of physical and virtual assets; it is the backbone of the economy, a pillar of national defense, and a cornerstone of public health and safety. The incapacitation or destruction of this infrastructure could have devastating effects on society, ranging from economic turmoil to threats to human life. Given the complex and interdependent nature of our nation’s modern infrastructure, ensuring it remains secure and resilient against cyberattacks is not just prudent but critical.

The administration’s initiative reflects a commitment to defend against immediate and discernible threats and anticipate and prepare for future challenges. This strategy includes adapting to the impacts of climate change, managing the risks of cutting-edge technologies, and countering strategic threats from global adversaries. The administration’s goals include:

This comprehensive approach creates a resilient infrastructure that supports a secure, innovative, and economically vibrant United States. It underscores the administration’s recognition of the intertwined nature of security and prosperity and its determination to address these challenges head-on, ensuring the well-being and safety of all Americans in an increasingly interconnected and dynamic world.

Minimum Security and Resilience Requirements

The memorandum emphasizes establishing and enforcing minimum security and resilience requirements across critical infrastructure sectors. Here are the key points outlined regarding these requirements:

These planned minimum requirements are part of a comprehensive strategy to ensure that all segments of critical infrastructure are fortified against a variety of risks and threats, thus enhancing the overall resilience of the nation’s essential services and assets.

How Shift5 Can Help

Shift5 specializes in onboard operational technology (OT) data and cybersecurity for critical infrastructure, including national defense and transportation systems. We can significantly help organizations meet the minimum security and resilience requirements outlined in the memorandum. 

By integrating Shift5’s advanced onboard OT cybersecurity technologies and services, critical infrastructure entities can enhance their resilience and security profiles, meeting and exceeding the Federal Government’s minimum security and resilience requirements. Our platform’s observability capabilities not only align with regulatory expectations but can also significantly bolster the cyber-defensive strategy for the nation’s overall critical infrastructure.

Learn more here.