Learn how a large US-based international airline solves Aircraft Network Security Program (ANSP) Compliance with the Shift5 Platform.

The challenge: Commercial aircraft are more connected than ever, creating new opportunities for operators to improve their services, but it also introduces new regulatory challenges. FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 119-1 requires operators of connected/e-Enabled aircraft to maintain an Aircraft Network Security Program (ANSP). A key component of an ANSP is that operators aggregate, decode, monitor, and alert on potential security conditions in an aircraft’s network security log files.

Our customer, a large US-based international airline, needed to achieve compliance with ANSP requirements but was also seeking a data solution to discern true anomalies from noise across their fleet of e-Enabled Boeing aircraft.

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Discover how the Shift5 Platform automates the ANSP requirements in AC 119-1 by collecting log files using existing aircraft data offloading processes, identifying anomalies, and displaying log file analysis in a native application.

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