Get the latest news and insights about OT observability for resilient transportation and military fleets.

Shift5 today announced the appointment of its inaugural Chief Financial Officer, Robert Sison. Read on for his take on why Shift5 was the right choice for him.

Hear from Shift5’s senior cyber threat analyst on the risks facing rail, questions defenders should ask amid a growing risk to onboard OT, and how Shift5 helps rail defenders understand cybersecurity for rail OT.

Read this blog to learn why understanding where and how we can continue to reduce unnecessary cybersecurity risks to institutions upon which American confidence relies, bolster readiness to those systems which guarantee our national security, and ensure the resilience of our economy and way of life.

While security researchers continue to investigate cyber vulnerabilities, airlines are keenly aware they could be targets of cyber attacks. Research findings show us why it’s essential to continue searching for threats, and taking steps to prevent them. Read the blog now to see the top cybersecurity threats to commercial aircraft.

It’s well past time to expand our notion of cybersecurity to the extended cyber terrain, which includes the onboard operational technology that powers our weapon systems and military aircraft. Read this blog from DAFITC that includes key takeaways on operational technology cybersecurity and more.

Jeff Zacuto, Director of Product Marketing, Commercial Aviation, at Shift5, shares a few important takeaways from DEF CON 30 about the state of cybersecurity in the aerospace industry and how space now plays a larger role in our overall critical infrastructure protection.

Shift5 Named Public Sector Emerging Partner of the Year Award Winner for Outstanding Public Sector Performance in 2022 Splunk Partner Awards

For more on why Shift5 pursued the AMBS ID/IQ award and what it will contribute, read this Q&A with Shift5 co-founder and CEO Josh Lospinoso.

“Any new opportunity should benefit you personally, professionally, and financially. If it’s only one, pass. If it’s two out of three, consider it. If it’s all three, go for it.” I still remember this as one of the best pieces of career advice I’ve ever received.

The imminent threat of cyber attacks within transportation only continues to grow. With this in mind, rail owners and operators should have completed the following by now…

Why I Joined Shift5

Millions of people use transportation for work and personal purposes, and today’s complex weapon systems are technological feats. It’s in the best interest of national security to harden these systems at their weakest points, and that’s where Shift5 enters. There are many reasons I chose to join Shift5, this post outlines the most significant.

The invasion of Ukraine and the sanctions imposed by the West on Russia has raised international tensions to levels not seen in a generation. And although the specter of escalation into a full-scale conventional war looms large, intelligence sources say retaliation will more likely come from state-sponsored cyberattacks on our critical infrastructure.